Cyber attacks are evolving by the day and most organizations are struggling to keep up with the changes. To stay ahead of cyber criminals, it’s important to understand both the cyber risk factors that your systems may pose along with the role social engineering plays in cyber attacks. A security risk report is a powerful tool […]

The Carbon60 Blog
How to Communicate Your Organization’s Security Risk Posture to Your Insurer
Improving your organization’s security risk posture is one of the best ways to keep your data protected and help reduce your cyber insurance costs. But do you know how to reduce your risks and effectively communicate your security posture to your insurer? With Carbon60’s new Security Risk Report, powered by SecurityScorecard, we’ll help you identify […]
How Banks Can Keep Pace in a Rapidly Evolving Industry
According to IDC, cloud services spending in the financial services industry is expected to reach $77 billion worldwide by 2024. Many banks and insurance companies are turning to the cloud to help them keep pace with the rapidly evolving financial services industry. Improved security, better compliance, accelerated speed to market, and greater business continuity are […]
System Administrator Appreciation Day
Today, we would like to recognize the exceptional SysAdmin team at Carbon60 who keep our business up and running! We are incredibly grateful for your diligent work and dedication to solving complex IT challenges so that we can continue to provide reliable cloud services to our clients. From ensuring the uptime and reliable operation of […]
Reduce Your Cyber Insurance Costs by Improving Security Risk Posture
As more Canadian organizations turn to cyber insurance in the wake of increasing cyberattacks, the cost of cyber insurance premiums is also expected to soar. So, how do you mitigate these costs while still maintaining the peace of mind offered by cyber coverage? Carbon60’s newest service, Security Risk Report, powered by SecurityScorecard, can help you […]